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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
The Jewish Festival of Sukkot - PowerPoint

The Jewish Festival of Sukkot - PowerPoint

20 SLIDES Slides 3 to 4: What is Sukkot? Slides 5 to 8: The story of Sukkot. Slide 9: Paired discussion. Slides 10 to 12: Building a Sukkah. Slide 13: Living in a Sukkah. Slides 14 to 16: The 4 Species. Slides 17 to 18: Chol Hamo’ed Sukkot. Slide 19: Hoshana Rabbah.
Abraham’s Journey to The Promised Land

Abraham’s Journey to The Promised Land

Abraham’s Journey to The Promised Land 8-slide PowerPoint. Learn about Abraham’s Journey to ‘The Promised Land’. Abraham’s journey, a time line, map, discussion work and class task all included in the presentation. Suitable for 5 - 11 years. Easy to adapt. Fully editable.
Songkran Festival - PowerPoint

Songkran Festival - PowerPoint

Songkran is a festival held every year in Thailand on 13th April. It celebrates the traditional New Year in the Thai calendar. This 8-slide PowerPoint is ideal for teaching children about this special celebration. Slide 3: What is Songkran? Slide 4: Getting Splashed! Slide 5: Family and Respect Slide 6: Bangkok Celebrates! Slide 7: Who can celebrate Songkran?
Shrove Tuesday & Lent - Tuesday 13th February 2024

Shrove Tuesday & Lent - Tuesday 13th February 2024

Shrove Tuesday 2024! This year, Shrove Tuesday will be celebrated on Tuesday 13th February 2024. The attached presentation teaches children about Shrove Tuesday and Lent. . The information provided on the PowerPoint includes: What is Shrove Tuesday? Where does the word Shrove come from? Why do we eat pancakes? Pancake ingredients. What is Lent? When is Lent? What happens during Lent? There is also a quiz (with answers) at the end of the presentation, a Shrove Tuesday and Lent fact sheet AND an editable letter home about Pancake making! . Suitable for 7 - 11 years and fully editable.
ISLAM - Unit of Work - Key Stage 2

ISLAM - Unit of Work - Key Stage 2

Title of Unit: How do Muslims express their beliefs through practices? This unit of work outlines the key beliefs and practices of Islam, emphasising current practice in addition to providing children with opportunities to learn about the historical foundation of the religion. 8 pages. Fully editable. Ideal for KS2.
KS1 Easter Activity Booklets

KS1 Easter Activity Booklets

A 10-page booklet containing Easter activities including colouring in, mazes, a word search, dot to dot, Easter egg designs, a crossword and spot the difference. Great as an extension task or just a bit of fun before the Easter holidays! Also included is a 6-page booklet containing an assortment of Easter arts and crafts (Easter egg bunny etc.)
Mosques - PowerPoint and Activity Booklet

Mosques - PowerPoint and Activity Booklet

MOSQUES 2 great resources: . A 13-slide PowerPoint that teaches children why Mosques are special to Muslims. A 2-page activity booklet: Match the features of a Mosque to the appropriate description, and try to fill in the missing words. . Answer sheet provided. Fully editable.
Take Time To Pray - 7 Prayers

Take Time To Pray - 7 Prayers

7 beautiful prayers to use at home or at school. These prayers can be used in the morning, before lunch, in the afternoon or before bedtime. I’ve also included the ‘Eternal Rest’ prayer to pray for those who have passed away. Attached is a PowerPoint to refer to AND individual prayers to print out. Fully editable.
Holi - a Hindu festival - PowerPoint

Holi - a Hindu festival - PowerPoint

Holi - a Hindu Fesitival Attached is a slide show that teaches the Hindu festival ‘HOLI’. Holi is a Hindu festival held in the spring celebrated mostly in India. It’s a time when people remember when good triumphed over evil. 12 slides. Fully editable.
The Last Days of Jesus - PowerPoint + Activity

The Last Days of Jesus - PowerPoint + Activity

The Last Days of Jesus A 16-slide presentation depicting the last days of Jesus. Suitable for 6 - 11 years. The following events are included in the presentation: Jesus enters Jerusalem Palm Sunday Den of Thieves The Last Supper Garden of Gethsemane On Trial On the Cross Good Friday To The Tomb The Resurrection Ascension into Heaven Also attached is a piece of music (This is My Body) to complement the PowerPoint AND a follow-up activity related to the slide show.
Year 2 Religious Education - Medium Term Plans

Year 2 Religious Education - Medium Term Plans

A complete set of Year 2 RE Medium Term plans. 24 pages. Fully editable. Y2 Autumn A: This unit is about the signs and symbols of everyday life, the use of artefacts and symbolic religious behaviour. Y2 Autumn B: This unit is about giving and receiving at Christmas. Y2 Spring A: This unit is about what Christians do when they go to church. The unit should include a church visit. Y2 Spring B:This unit is about why Easter is important for Christians. Y2 Summer A:This unit is about the work of religious leaders within the community. Y2 Summer Term B: This unit is about the ultimate questions raised by the natural world.
UOW: How do Muslims express their beliefs?

UOW: How do Muslims express their beliefs?

This unit of work outlines the key beliefs and practices in Islam, emphasising current practice in addition to providing children with opportunities to learn about the historical foundation of the religion. 8 pages. Fully editable . Ideal for Key Stage 2.
Happy Eid - An Islamic Festival

Happy Eid - An Islamic Festival

Eid is an Islamic festival and means the breaking of the fast and is celebrated at the end of Ramadan. During Eid, Muslims offer prayers, visit their neighbours, family and friends and exchange sweets and gifts. This 8-slide PowerPoint is ideal for younger children to understand Eid and the teachings of Islam. VERY child-friendly. 6+ Fully animated.
Mother Teresa - 6-page activity booklet

Mother Teresa - 6-page activity booklet

A 6-page booklet about the life of Mother Teresa. Page 1: What is a hero? Page 2: Information about Mother Teresa and video link. Pages 3 to 5: Questions (and multiple choice answers) based on the video. Page 6: Mother Teresa dot-to-dot. Answer booklet and video attached. Ideal for Upper KS1 or KS2 children. Fully editable.